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Brexit and Bidfood

As I’m sure you’re all aware the uncertainty and unpredictability of Brexit continues to affect the Foodservice industry. It’s now looking more and more likely that come October 2019 Britain will have left the European Union; deal or not. Due to this many suppliers are taking precautionary measures. To help mitigate the potential impact this may have on their customers, staff & suppliers.

Bidfood have issued the following statement to their customers:


“Our aim has been to show full commitment to supporting our customers, and to delivering service excellence at the very highest levels, by providing them with clarity and the confidence that we will maintain continuity of supply to them in the event that no deal is agreed with the EU.”


These preparations and aims were set out very early into the Brexit process due to the uncertainty of the situation. With many suppliers completing numerous risk assessments of possible scenarios.  To help ensure these plans were suitable and realistic suppliers have been working alongside the EU and Government bodies. Such as the NHS and Customs departments across Europe.

Once these risk assessments are completed Bidfood intend to run detailed action plans. These include actively securing contingency stocks and warehousing storage. They will be held at their current depots and also in two additional sites secured solely for meeting their Brexit aims.

As we approach the Brexit deadline please be aware that across the entirety of Foodservice there will be uncertainty as to ‘what will happen’ but by having an action plan already in place all possible factors can be accounted for to give you peace of mind.

To further support the action and aims of Bidfood during Brexit their Director of Supply Chain & Technical Services, Mr. Jim Gouldie released this statement:


“As I have stressed before, please be reassured that we have robust and comprehensive plans in place for exiting from the EU, whether or not this is with an agreement in place, and of our ongoing commitment to supporting our customers, and to delivering service excellence at the very highest levels.”


The majority of the information read above was taken from Bidfood and their official Customer Communication document; which we believe is worth a read for anyone worried about the Brexit situation and how they may be effected.


To download a copy of their letter please click here.